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What is DDA?

Follett ACCESS/DDA, is a program that enables the Texas State University, in partnership with the Bobcat bookstore, to deliver a variety of course materials (e-Books, courseware, etc.) as part of your tuition or course charges. With this partnership, students have what they need on the first day of class, stress-free, affordably and effortlessly which levels the playing field for all students and empowers them for academic success! Partnership with the Bobcat bookstore allows the university to provide the required course materials to students as part of tuition or fees, ensuring students understand the full cost of education upfront and are prepared with required course materials on day one!

As a student, the benefits of participating in the DDA program are considerable.

  • Having the required course materials on day 1 sets you up for success in the classroom
  • Receiving your course materials is a stress-free event
  • Easily access, manage and use digital course materials
  • No more worrying about getting the wrong book or wrong edition
  • Save money on course materials


Where to I access these books?

You can access digital books via Modules in Canvas.



Spring 2023



Summer 2023